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Site / Abstract
Page modified on March 16, 2016, at 05:13 PM

  • Status of art on observational evidences.
  • Cosmic acceleration and large scale structure motivates bot MOG and DS.
  • How can we discriminate between Dark Side and MOG?
  • There exists some observation/experiment capable of being addressed just in one way (MOG or DS)?
  • Non-linear relativistic effects in structure formation needs to be understood: they may be relevant when extremely large scales scales are considered in simulations, in view of next generation surveys
  • Primordial GR effects on very large scales can be studied with non-linear perturbative methods and are relevant for measuring non-Gaussianity and affect bias.
  • Fully-non linear scales can be studied with post-Newtonian methods, and the goal is to implement these in simulations