No âmbito das comemorações dos 150 anos do Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa, o OAL em colaboração com o Centro Inter-Universitário de História das Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade de Lisboa (CIUHCT-UL) promovem no dia 6 de Outubro de 2011 um Workshop, de acesso livre, intitulado:

150 Years of the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon

9:30-9:45 Rui Agostinho (OAL), Ana Simões, Pedro Raposo

Sessão I
Society, culture and the Observatory
Chair: Henrique Leitão (CIUHCT-UL)

9:45-10:30 – Keynote lecture: The Observatory as a Spectacle: Pulkovo in the Nineteenth Century, Simon Werrett

10:30-11:00 – Big science downsized: Pulkovo rescaled and revamped in Lisbon, Pedro Raposo

– Pausa para café –

11:15-11:45 – A republican astronomer, Melo e Simas (1870-1934) between cannon-balls, planets and comets, Ana Simões and Luis Carolino

11:45-12:15 – Marking time at the heart of the ocean: the Observatory of Lisbon and the timekeeping station of Ponta Delgada (Azores), Conceição Tavares

– Pausa para almoço –

Sessão II
The Observatory heritage and its uses
Chairs: Rui Agostinho Marta Lourenço

14:00-14:45 – Keynote lecture: Wilhelm and Otto Struve, the Pulkovo filiation and French observatories, Françoise Le Guet Tully

14:45-15:15 – The Historical Library and Archive of the Astronomical Observatory of Lisbon: a mirror of the observational sciences and measurement, Halima Naimova

– Pausa para café –

15:30-16:00 – The OAL through the eyes of children: searching, experiment and discovery of space, Rita Batista

16:00-16:30 – Tempos de Vista: a site specific project Tempos de Vista Artist Collective

16:30-17:15 – Historiography, heritage and society: paths and directions for the future of the OAL (general discussion, introduced and chaired by Marta Lourenço)

Tour to the Observatory and the exhibition O Espaço em Paralaxe (Tempos de Vista Artist Collective)


EM: 2011-09-13