European Southern Observatory (ESO)European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) Observatoire de ParisInstitut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (IMCCE)Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Trânsito de Vénus 2004
Introdução ao VT-2004
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Dados Astonómicos
Actividades Correntes
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Astrónomos Amadores
Rede VT-2004
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Concurso de Video
Logos Oficiais
VT-2004 no ESO
O dia do Trânsito
Em Directo
Dir. Geral de Saúde
Soc. P. Oftalmologia

The Venus Transit 2004 European Science & Technology Week 2004 Visit the websites of the VT-2004 organisers

O Trânsito de Vénus 2004

... em directo

What you will find later on this page

This is the webpage with the central display of the ESO/EAAE Venus Transit 2004 project. This is where everybody can follow the progress of the transit event on June 8, 2004 and the outcome of the observations of the participants in real time.

It is anticipated that it will contain (or link to) the following basic information, updated as nearly as possible in real-time.

  • A webcam of the event, recorded live through several large astronomical telescope(s) with commentaries by professional astronomers.
    Based on our experience with the 2003 Mercury Transit, we now plan to have 200 mirrors sites to ensure real-time access to everybody. We will be able to cope with a total traffic of more than a Terabyte.
  • A system of geographical maps, with the locations of the participants in the VT-2004 Observing Campaign indicated, as well as relevant meteorological information.
  • A continuously updated display in a suitable format with the number of measurements entered by registered observers, the current value of the corresponding value of the distance between the Earth and the Sun, as well as the accuracy achieved and the deviation from the "correct" value.
  • Useful messages about the progress of the event, with hints and summaries, etc.

It is expected that this page will be developed during early May 2004.